Practice the free Online C Programming Test to get success in future placement. This online mock test will help you in the time of final placements.
General Instructions |
1. Each C Programming test contains 15 questions. 2. Total allotted time is 20 minutes for each test. 3. No negative marking. 4. Try to finish it on time. 5. The Test will be submitted automatically if the time expired. 6. Don’t refresh the page. |
Introduction to C
C language was developed by Dennis M.Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1972. It is a programming language known for its simplicity and efficiency. It is the best choice to start with programming as it gives you a foundational understanding of programming. C is one of the most widely used computer language. C is called mother of all programming languages and is still relevant today after more than 5 decades. The UNIX operating system is completely written in C language. The C language was formalized in 1988 by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI).
int main() {
printf("This is my first C program");
return 0;
This is my first C program
The above code will give you a basic understanding about the C programming and its structure.
Important topics to cover while learning C
C is a general-purpose, high-level programming language used to develop operating systems, applications, games and more. It was given by Dennis M.Ritchie in 1972 at Bell Telephone laboratories.
C is a structured programming language and can be used to master other programming languages. The importance can be understood by knowing that the UNIX OS was completely written in C.
The applications of C include Operating Systems, Assemblers, Databases, Text Editors, Language Interpreters etc. C compilers are available on all the operating systems. A good expertise in C lets you to learn other languages very easily.
C is a compiled language, whereas programming languages like Python, Java and JavaScript are interpreted languages. C doesn’t support class and objects while modern languages are primarily object-oriented.
Go with the C basics and take a deep knowledge about C variables, data types in C, Tokens in C, C operators, C functions, Arrays and strings, Pointers. These topics will make you strong in C.
TNP Officer provides lots of mock tests to practice. You can find and practice a free C programming MCQ based mock test at
C being a general-purpose language, you can use it in different practice projects. A C programmer can pursue a successful career in embedded system development and gaming field. C language acts as a gateway to the software development field. C is an open-source language. You can also contribute to open source software development project, that will give you lot of exposure.