Front End Developer Test

Front End Developer Test

Free Front End Developer Mock Test: Placement

Practice the free Online Front End Developer MCQ to get success in future placement. These questions cover a wide range of topics relevant to a front-end developer, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks, version control, performance optimization, responsive design, accessibility, web security, testing, and more. These online mock test will help you in the time of final placements.

General Instructions:
1. Each Front End Developer test contains 15 questions.
2. Total allotted time is 20 minutes for each test.
3. No negative marking.
4. Try to finish it on time.
5. The Test will be submitted automatically if the time expired.
6. Don’t refresh the page.


Front End Developer Test 1

1 / 15

1. How do you write “Hello World” in an alert box?

2 / 15

2. What is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called “xxx.js”?

3 / 15

3. Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?

4 / 15

4. Which tag is used to create a hyperlink in HTML?

5 / 15

5. How do you create a function in JavaScript?

6 / 15

6. How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter?

7 / 15

7. Which CSS property controls the text size?

8 / 15

8. What does HTML stand for?

9 / 15

9. Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript?

10 / 15

10. What does CSS stand for?

11 / 15

11. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?

12 / 15

12. Inside which HTML element do we put the JavaScript?

13 / 15

13. Which property is used to change the font of an element?

14 / 15

14. Which HTML element is used to specify a footer for a document or section?

15 / 15

15. Which property is used to change the background color?

Your score is

The average score is 66%



Front End Developer Test 2

1 / 15

1. What is the purpose of a key in React?

2 / 15

2. Which event occurs when the user clicks on an HTML element?

3 / 15

3. Who developed React.js?

4 / 15

4. How do you declare a JavaScript variable?

5 / 15

5. Who maintains Angular?

6 / 15

6. How can you add a comment in a JavaScript?

7 / 15

7. What is the correct syntax to import a component in React?

8 / 15

8. What is a state in React?

9 / 15

9. What is React.js?

10 / 15

10. Which operator is used to assign a value to a variable?

11 / 15

11. Which method is used to access an HTML element by its ID in JavaScript?

12 / 15

12. Which file is the entry point of an Angular application?

13 / 15

13. Which directive is used for data binding in Angular?

14 / 15

14. What is Angular?

15 / 15

15. What is the purpose of services in Angular?

Your score is

The average score is 57%



Front End Developer Test 3

1 / 15

1. What is Vue.js?

2 / 15

2. What command is used to clone a repository in Git?

3 / 15

3. Who created Vue.js?

4 / 15

4. Which file is used to ignore files in a Git repository?

5 / 15

5. What is the purpose of a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

6 / 15

6. Which language is used for styling web pages?

7 / 15

7. Which directive is used for conditional rendering in Vue.js?

8 / 15

8. Which of the following is a distributed version control system?

9 / 15

9. What is the command to create a new Vue.js project using Vue CLI?

10 / 15

10. How do you pass data from a parent component to a child component in Vue.js?

11 / 15

11. What does JSON stand for?

12 / 15

12. Which HTTP method is used to update a resource on the server?

13 / 15

13. What is the purpose of version control systems?

14 / 15

14. Which of the following is a NoSQL database?

15 / 15

15. What does the commandgit commit -m "message"do?

Your score is

The average score is 64%



Front End Developer Test 4

1 / 15

1. Which of the following is a CSS framework for creating responsive web designs?

2 / 15

2. What does ARIA stand for in web development?

3 / 15

3. What does the term ‘First Contentful Paint’ refer to in web performance?

4 / 15

4. What is a skip link?

5 / 15

5. What is the purpose of media queries in CSS?

6 / 15

6. What is the purpose of the alt attribute in an tag?

7 / 15

7. Which HTML attribute is used to provide an accessible name for elements?

8 / 15

8. What is responsive web design?

9 / 15

9. What is the viewport meta tag used for?

10 / 15

10. Which tool can be used to measure the performance of a website?

11 / 15

11. What does minification of CSS and JavaScript files involve?

12 / 15

12. What is lazy loading?

13 / 15

13. Which CSS unit is relative to the size of the viewport?

14 / 15

14. Which of the following is a guideline for creating accessible web content?

15 / 15

15. What is the purpose of a Service Worker in a web application?

Your score is

The average score is 73%
