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Job Interview’s Do’s and Don’ts for freshers 2024

Whenever a candidate prepares for a job interview, he/she should know the do’s and don’ts of the interview. Here is a quick checklist of job interview Do’s and Don’ts. Always keep in mind that Do’s and Don’ts are very important.

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Job Interview’s Do’s and Don’ts for freshers- 2024 | Freshers Job Interview’s Do’s and Don’ts | Useful tips Freshers Job Interview’s Do’s and Don’ts

Job Interview's Do's and Don'ts


1. Read the Job Description carefully.

2. Research on Company.

3. Dress Appropriately.

4. Take care of personal hygiene.

5. Always arrive on time- Even a minimum of 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

6. Do pay attention to your scent. Ladies with powerful perfumes and men with intense colognes may destroy interviews. Moderation is suggested.

7. Do go to the restroom before you visit the employment lobby. It is not advisable to interrupt an ongoing interview, and you will also feel uncomfortable.

8. Do get a good night’s sleep, the day before your interview.

9. Be Confident.

10. Do look the interviewer in the eye. Good eye contact shows your confidence.

11. Your body language should be good. Do try to sparkle! Use smooth and empathic gestures in your conversation.  

12. Always wear a smile.

13. Be an active listener.

14. Relate your skills, accomplishments, and objectives to the needs of the company.

15. Do make sure you get the interview’s name right and use it a few times in the interview.

16. Do take notes if you wish. Write down some questions before you appeared for the interview.

17. Do let the interviewer lead with the questions and set the pace of the interview.

18. Do ask the interviewer when you will hear from him or her again if he or she does not offer the information.

Also Read: 20 Useful Interview Tips For Freshers

Interview Don’ts:

1. Don’t be late. Arrive at venue a minimum 15 minutes before the scheduled time.  

2. Don’t wear your outer clothes in an interview.

3. Don’t sit on Chair until you are asked. No need to worry, the recruiter won’t make you stand for long.

4. Don’t Smell like smoke and don’t chew gum.  

5. Always practice good body language. Don’t place your elbows on the Interviewer’s table. Avoid crossing keens or ankles and sit in a straight and comfortable position.  

6. Don’t park your eyeglasses on top of your head. Take the eyeglass off and put them in your purse or pocket.

7. Always carry a small and manageable bag. Don’t carry a big or oversized handbag. Never place it on the Interviewer’s desk. Put it on the floor.

8. Don’t show your nervousness by swing your leg, or cracking your knuckles, etc.

9. Don’t have any loose change in your pocket. It will make a noise.

10. Don’t keep your hands in your pocket during the interview.

11. Don’t keep adjusting your clothes.

12. Don’t play with your hair.

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13. Don’t pick up anything from the recruiter’s desk unless you are invited to do so.

14. Don’t pick up your calls during the interview. Put your mobile on silent mode.  

15. Don’t touch, inspect or read any document on the recruiter’s desk.

16. Don’t talk unnecessarily.

17. Be pleasant, but remember that the interviewing process is formal and serious. An overly light-hearted approach can cause the recruiter to question the seriousness of your purpose.

18. Don’t only answer Yes or NO. The recruiter is trying to understand youUseful resume writing tips for freshers 2023. Have a good and fruitful conversation with him or her.

19. Don’t try to dominate the conversation and don’t interrupt in between. Don’t use a lot of slang.

20. Don’t lie about things.

21. Don’t say “you know” all the time. It is very annoying.

22. Don’t call the interviewer by his or her first name, unless invited to do so. Prefer to call Sir or Ma’am.

23. Don’t slip into a speech-making or preaching tone of voice. You are in a conversation, not in a speech competition or on the Senate floor.

24. Don’t chatter while the interviewer is reviewing your resume and don’t mumble.

25. Don’t lie. Sometimes candidates lie about their salary. Recruiters often ask for proof, such as Form 16, Salary Slip, or Salary AC statement.

26. Don’t talk negatively or criticize your present or past employer too much.  

27. Don’t get irritated or angry during the interview. Be firm— not angry—if the questioning becomes improper or begins to slide into unsuitable areas. Sometimes interviewer asks behavioral questions.

28. Don’t be a name dropper.

Follow these useful tips for the Job Interview’s Do’s and Don’ts for the freshers. Use these tips during the job interview and you will get success.

Job Interview’s Do’s and Don’ts for freshers – 2023 | Job Interview’s Do’s and Don’ts for freshers Interview

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